So during my last pregnancy I developed a condition in my right heel that is know as plantar
fasciitis. Being that I am no athlete by any stretch of the word, I have never
delt with an injury. Let me tell you this sucks and I am being a big baby about it!
Gaining all the weight from the pregnancy is the cause, and now I want that weight to "GO AWAY". Not so easy.........I am trying to eat better (better than me that is) and that does not seem to work, so I want to
exercise which I know works for me and I actually enjoy it. Well, the damn heel problem is preventing me from doing so. I finally went to a
podiatrist to seek help for the problem. Basically all he could tell me was exactly what I did not want to hear......."stay off it". So how am I supposed to loose weight, which will help with the plantar
fasciitis, if I can't
exercise. Crap, Crap, Crap. I took anti
inflammatory drugs and babied my foot for about 6 weeks and it seems about 90% better.
Enter present week..........I went to Grandma's last night to try on my dress for friends wedding and get alterations. I look like a stuffed sausage, a pretty stuffed sausage, don't get the wrong idea but the damn thing barely zipped up. YIKES. I do have two months to the wedding but still depressing. So I decide to go for a short, easy two mile jog last night. I can barely put weight on my damn heel today. What the hell!!!!!!!! I don't know what I am going to do at this point. If I can't
exercise and my diet continues to be a failure I am going to need a
gertle and a pliers for this wedding. Rant, rant rant. Next post promises to be more positive. My glass is feeling empty today.